Investment property valuation
In the evaluation of multi-family houses and investments the income approach is paramount. The earnings method is one of three methods which are governed by the ImmoWertV. At the same time it is the only one that is interested in particular in properties that generate rental income, such as apartment buildings, commercial properties or even for rented condominiums.
The earnings method is a complex calculation, within which there are two methods: the simplified and the full income approach.
From the value that was determined for the land and the value that names the building located on the property, is then calculated as the discounted earnings.
From the value that was determined for the land and the value that names the building located on the property, is then calculated as the discounted earnings.
If you want to evaluate your rented or free apartment building, we perform a valuation using the income approach through for you. If you want to buy an apartment building as an investment property and finance, may be useful for the professional valuation in making investment decisions. Take the market value appraisal as a basis for yourself or as documentation for your bank. Regardless of what you ultimately use the report: you have secured your decision!
Again, experience and market knowledge are important.