Market value property
The market value of a property are the anticipated benefits to be in the market selling price again. predict that price as possible, is not so simply because the value of the property can be reliably determined only in the context of marketing. Anyone who wants to sell a property, should be the fair market value determined before launch in any case. This value is the ultimate basis for determining the offer price.
The market value of a property is in the Building Code (§ 194, Building Code) defined by the price that could be achieved at the measurement date in the ordinary course of business in accordance with the legal situation and actual characteristics without regard to unusual or personal factors. This assumes that the price formation takes place in an open market in which all market participants have access to a market, can obtain comprehensive information and are free to decide.
Usually, the actual realized market price exceeds the fair market value if the property is highly sought after and lovers they are eager to buy. The market value of a property is a calculated value, therefore, it can not be schematically determined. There are always design and interpretations, which also apply to elaborate created market value analyzes.
Value analysis
On request, we will be happy to a full and fair market value analysis. Your property is a valuable asset that should not fall on the wrong guy. A solid market assessment and a thorough analysis of the value should therefore be based on your consideration.
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